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DJI Mavic 3 Classic (DJI RC)

16.790,- NOK (inkl. mva)

Strekkode: 6941565947673

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DJI Mavic 3 Classic |  Explore Vivid

  • 4/3 CMOS Hasselblad Kamera
  • 5.1 HD-video
  • Omnidireksjonell hindringsoppdagelse
  • 46 minutter flytid
  • 15km maksimal overføringsrekkevidde
  • Advanced Return to Home
  • C-klassifisert iht. EU C1-forskrifter
Produsent: DJI

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Med kraftig flyytelse og et Hasselblad-kamera, leverer Mavic 3 Classic den absolutte essensen av flaggskipsbilder. Ta den med på ethvert eventyr for å lage uforglemmelig innhold.

Hasselblad-kamera, laget for å inspirere

Det ikoniske svenske kameramerket Hasselblad har tilpasset luftkameraet L2D-20c for DJI Mavic 3, med en 4/3 CMOS av profesjonell kvalitet i en elegant og kompakt form. Strenge Hasselblad-standarder brukes på både maskinvareytelse og programvarealgoritmer, og bringer bildekvaliteten til et helt nytt nivå.

4/3 CMOS Hasselblad Kamera

  • 20MP fotografi
  • 12.8 stopp dynamisk rekkevidde
  • f/2.8-f/11 justerbar blenderåpning
  • 24mm ekvivalent brennvidde
  • Vision Detection Auto Focus (VDAF)

Hasselblad Natural Color Solution (HNCS)

For å sikre at Mavic 3 Classic fanger naturlige farger på samme måte som andre Hasselblad-kameraer, har L2D-20c-objektivet de samme strenge standardene og har hver piksel av sensoren kalibrert, med HNCS innebygd (Hasselblad Natural Colour Solution). Kulminasjonen av flere tiår med fotografisk erfaring leverer levende, naturlige farger med et enkelt trykk på utløseren, slik at du kan fange fantastiske landskap eller en solnedgang uten behov for komplisert redigering eller forhåndsinnstillinger for farge. 

Profesjonell bildebehandling

Ta opp skarpere detaljer. Supersampling-teknologi muliggjør opptak av 4K/60fps-opptak.

4K/120 fps
Både høy oppløsning og høy bildefrekvens gir uanstrengt HD slow-motion.

10-biters D-logg
Leverer naturlige fargegraderinger med flere høylys- og skyggedetaljer beholdt for større fleksibilitet ved redigering.

Gir høyere dynamisk område som passer til en rekke enheter og gir opptak som ikke krever fargejustering/korringering i etterarbeidet.

Denne videomodusen optimerer opptak i scenarier med lite lys som solnedganger og soloppganger, og reduserer støy for renere bilder.

Mer flytid

Mavic 3 Classic er kompatibel med Mavic 3-seriens batterier, noe som gir 40 minutters svevetid og 46 minutter flytid, noe som sikrer mer tid til å lage og mindre tid til å bekymre deg for

  • 40 minutter svevetid
  • 46 minutter Flytid

Forenklet flyropplevelse

Omnidireksjonell hindringsføling

Når du flyr med APAS 5.0 registrerer Mavic 3 Classic kontinuerlig objekter i alle retninger og omgår dem raskt og jevnt. Selv nye piloter kan fly trygt og sikkert, og lage jevne opptak selv i kompliserte scenarier.

  • Horisontalt omnidireksjonelt hindringssensorer
  • Nedadgående hindringssensorer
  • Oppadgående hindringssesnorer

Ekstrem presisjon
Høypresisjons-posisjonering på desimeternivå gjør Mavic 3 Classic ekstremt stabil når du svever.
Dette sikrer ikke bare klarere langeksponeringsbilder, men hjelper også med å ta opp jevnere timelapse-videoer.

Kontroller Mavic 3 Classic for å fly i alle retninger uten å måtte trykke på kontrollspakene kontinuerlig.
Dette gjør ikke bare langdistanseflyging mer uanstrengt, men bidrar også til å redusere risting under manuell kontroll for jevnere kamerabevegelser.

Avansert RTH
Avslutt alltid på topp med Advanced RTH. Denne oppdaterte automatiske returfunksjonen gjør det mulig for Mavic 3 Classic å automatisk bestemme den optimale ruten tilbake til hjemmepunktet og utføre den raskt.
Mavic 3 Classic kan fly til en bestemt høyde og deretter finne en trygg og effektiv rute tilbake til hjemmepunktet. Med Advanced RTH og tradisjonell RTH kombinasjon, kan brukerne kan velge det beste alternativet i henhold til deres miljø.

Kraftig videooverføring

O3+ overføring

Med en overføringsavstand på opptil 15 km, kan du fly lenger og mer stabilt med sjelefred. O3+-overføring kan overføre en 1080p/60fps live feed. Dette betyr at kameravisningen vises med spesifikasjoner nær det kameraet faktisk registrerer. Det gjør også Mavic 3 Classic mer lydhør for kontrollen din.

  • 1080p /60fps Live Feed
  • 15 km overføringsavstand

Nyttige funksjoner for intuitiv skapelse

ActiveTrack 5.0
Spor motivet fra forskjellige retninger for mer avansert kameraføring.

Automatisert opptak og redigering for å lage cinematiske filmopptak.

Utfør automatiserte og profesjonelle kamerabevegelser som Dronie, Rocket, Circle og Helix.

Fantastiske opptak som fanger og forkorter lengre tidsstrek. 

Ta større, mer detaljerte bilder av dine omgivelser med panorama.

Høyhastighets hurtigoverføring
Bilder og videoer kan raskt overføres til en smarttelefon for redigering eller deling

I boksen

Compared to DJI Mavic 2, what major upgrades does Mavic 3 have? The DJI Mavic 3 Series includes DJI's latest flagship consumer drones. Compared with Mavic 2, Mavic 3 has substantially upgraded camera performance, integrating a 4/3 CMOS Hasselblad camera and a lightweight 24mm equivalent tele camera. Mavic 3 is capable of capturing 5.1K/50fps and 4K/120fps videos, and Mavic 3 Cine even supports Apple ProRes 422 HQ, Apple ProRes 422, and Apple ProRes 422 LT codecs, offering higher image quality and greater flexibility during post-editing. In addition to the camera system, the Mavic 3 Series also delivers a comprehensively upgraded flight experience. The flight time has been extended to 46 minutes, and O3+ extends video transmission distance up to 15 km.* Obstacle sensing has been developed into a truly omnidirectional system, with a more powerful APAS 5.0 and Advanced RTH to give users greater peace of mind during flight.<br><br>

* Unobstructed, free of interference, and when FCC-compliant. Maximum flight range specification is a proxy for radio link strength and resilience. Always follow local rules and regulations and fly your drone within your visual line of sight unless otherwise permitted.
Product What app is required for using the DJI Mavic 3 Series? The DJI Fly app.
Product How many versions does the DJI Mavic 3 Series have and what are the differences between them? The DJI Mavic 3 Series comes in three versions: Mavic 3 Classic, Mavic 3, and Mavic 3 Cine. <br><br>
Mavic 3 Classic has one 4/3 CMOS Hasselblad camera, and the gimbal does not support gimbal lock. Mavic 3 has two cameras: in addition to a Hasselblad camera, it has a 162mm tele camera and supports gimbal lock. On top of these Mavic 3 functions, Mavic 3 Cine supports Apple ProRes 422 HQ, Apple ProRes 422, and Apple ProRes 422 LT codecs and comes with a built-in 1TB SSD for high-speed data storage.
Product Does the DJI Mavic 3 Series support DJI Goggles or the DJI Motion Controller? No.
Product What are the differences between DJI Mavic 3 Classic combos? DJI Mavic 3 Classic (Drone Only) does not include a remote controller or charger. You can use an already-owned DJI RC-N1, DJI RC, or DJI RC Pro to control the drone. The other two combos include a remote controller and charger. They are DJI Mavic 3 Classic, which contains a DJI RC-N1 remote controller, and DJI Mavic 3 Classic (DJI RC), which contains a DJI RC remote controller. You can choose a combo based on your needs.
Camera What should I pay attention to when using the built-in gimbal lock on Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine? The built-in gimbal lock prevents the 3-axis gimbal and camera from shaking, adding an additional layer of safety during transportation and storage. <br>
Precautions for use: <br>
1. The normal operating temperature of the gimbal lock is -10° to 40° C (14 to 104° F). If temperatures are outside of this range, it may fail to lock or unlock properly. You will be prompted by the DJI Fly app to use it within the operating temperature range. For emergency use in special situations, you can manually twist the three axes to unlock without damaging the gimbal lock, but this measure is not recommended.<br>
2. The built-in gimbal lock may unlock due to external impact. In this case, power on the aircraft and then power off to lock again.<br>
3. After the gimbal is locked, vibrations in each axis may occur.
Camera What is the most efficient way to export files from the built-in SSD of DJI Mavic 3 Cine? Use the DJI 10Gbps Lightspeed Data Cable in the box to connect the aircraft to your computer via the USB-C port. Make sure the write speed of your storage device is greater than 700MB/s. Other data cables are not recommended since they may not support high-speed transmission and can take longer to transfer files.
Camera How can I use the tele camera of Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine? The tele camera is available when using Photo mode (Single Shooting, AEB, Burst Shooting, Timed Shots), Video mode, and Explore mode, while the zoom of the tele camera is only supported in Explore mode.
Camera Does the tele camera on Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine support Pro mode? Pro mode is supported in the normal Photo/Video mode, but not supported in Explore mode.
Camera Can I take RAW photos with the tele camera of Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine? Taking RAW photos is supported in normal Photo/Video mode, but not supported in Explore mode.
Camera Does DJI Mavic 3 Cine support video recorded with the Apple ProRes codec in Explore Mode? No.
Remote Controller and Video Transmission What remote controllers are supported by the DJI Mavic 3 Series? DJI RC Pro, DJI RC, and DJI RC-N1.
Remote Controller and Video Transmission What is the transmission range of the DJI Mavic 3 Series? When using the DJI RC Pro, DJI RC, or DJI RC-N1 remote controllers, the maximum transmission range is 15 km.*<br><br>

* Unobstructed, free of interference, and when FCC-compliant. Maximum flight range specification is a proxy for radio link strength and resilience. Always follow local rules and regulations and fly your drone within your visual line of sight unless otherwise permitted.
Remote Controller and Video Transmission How can I set the video transmission feed to 48/50/60fps? Once video recording is set to 30fps or above at any resolution, the frame rate of the live feed will automatically switch to 48/50/60fps depending on the mobile phone decoding capability and transmission bandwidth.
Remote Controller and Video Transmission Does DJI Mavic 3 Series support simultaneous control by two remote controllers? No.
Remote Controller and Video Transmission Does the DJI RC-N1 remote controller support O3+ transmission when used with the Mavic 3 Series aircraft? Yes. <br>
1. Once it has been linked with a DJI Mavic 3 Series aircraft, the DJI RC-N1 remote controller will automatically perform the corresponding firmware update. Just like DJI RC Pro, the RC-N1 supports O3+ video transmission.<br>
2. In an unobstructed environment free of interference, both controllers can support a maximum transmission range of 15 km with FCC compliance.*<br>
3. Both remote controllers support 1080p/60fps live feeds. <br>
When used with different aircraft, both remote controllers will automatically select the corresponding firmware version for updating and support the following transmission technologies enabled by the hardware performance of the linked aircraft models: <br>
a. DJI Mini 2 / DJI Mavic Air 2: O2<br>
b. DJI Air 2S: O3<br>
c. DJI Mavic 3: O3+<br><br>

* Unobstructed, free of interference, and when FCC-compliant. Maximum flight range specification is a proxy for radio link strength and resilience. Always follow local rules and regulations and fly your drone within your visual line of sight unless otherwise permitted.
Remote Controller and Video Transmission What advantages does DJI RC Pro have compared with the DJI RC-N1? Compared with DJI RC-N1, the DJI RC Pro features: <br>
1. Easy setup and quick start, which means the remote controller is instantly linked to the aircraft after powering on and there is no need to worry about interference from calls or text messages during flight. <br>
2. The built-in high-bright screen ensures constant high-bright display all day, without the risk of lowered screen brightness caused by overheating. <br>
3. DJI RC Pro is also integrated with a powerful processing platform for a more stable and smoother system operation. It also has excellent sound and image quality and supports video output expansion. <br>
4. Dual-spring control sticks for a smoother and more precise control experience. <br>
5. Compared with the 1T2R antenna configuration of DJI RC-N1, DJI RC Pro uses a 2T4R configuration that is more resistant to interference and delivers more stable transmission performance in urban areas with signal interference. <br>
6. A dial has been added to DJI RC Pro exclusively for camera parameter adjustments, supporting more customizable button functions for more convenient operation.
Flight Performance Are there any upgrades to the propellers used on the DJI Mavic 3 Series? The propeller structure adopts a new design, with the edges made of a softer material. It not only reduces noise during flight, but also causes less damage to people or other objects in the event of an accident.
Flight Performance What should I pay attention to when using the DJI Mavic 3 propellers? Replace the propellers in a timely manner to ensure safety, especially if any propeller is damaged or misshaped.
Flight Performance How do I attach the DJI Mavic 3 Series propellers correctly? Attach the propellers with gray markings on the motors with the same markings, and attach the other two without gray markings on the corresponding motors.
Flight Performance How is the flight time of DJI Mavic 3 Series measured? The flight time was measured in a controlled test environment. Specific test conditions are as follows: fly at a constant speed of 32.4km/h in a windless environment at sea level, with APAS off, AirSense off, camera parameters set to 1080p/60fps, video mode off, and from 100% battery level until 10%. Results may vary depending on environment, actual use, and firmware version.
Flight Safety and Obstacle Sensing Compared with the previous generation, what upgrades does the omnidirectional sensing system on the DJI Mavic 3 Series have? The Mavic 3 Series can detect obstacles in all directions with extreme precision. Multiple sensing cameras with a wider range of detection help Mavic 3 respond to obstacles earlier. In a well-lit environment, Mavic 3 can avoid obstacles faster and more smoothly, capturing stable footage safely even when flying laterally or backward.
Flight Safety and Obstacle Sensing What improvements does ActiveTrack 5.0 have compared with the previous version? ActiveTrack 5.0 tracks subjects in eight directions, bringing more creative possibilities. Embedded with the newest subject recognition technology, ActiveTrack 5.0 uses multiple vision sensors simultaneously to recognize a subject, differentiate it from other objects, and lock the subject in frame. It allows users to adjust tracking angles smoothly for more natural results. Thanks to new environment and subject-sensing algorithms, Mavic 3 responds earlier to subject movements and environment information, and plans a more optimum tracking route in advance to record smooth and stable footage.
Flight Safety and Obstacle Sensing What improvements does Advanced RTH have compared with the previous version? Compared to the 20 meters of the Mavic 2 Series, the Mavic 3 Series has a maximum forward-sensing distance of 200 meters during RTH. During flight, Mavic 3 will use advanced environmental sensing technology to determine the safest, most energy-efficient flight route to return the drone to its home point.
Flight Safety and Obstacle Sensing What is the difference between normal bypass mode and Nifty mode for APAS 5.0? In Nifty mode, the obstacle detection sensitivity is lowered. Bypass maneuvers will be less noticeable, which reduces the impact of obstacle avoidance movements on your footage.
Intelligent Features Are there any upgrades to the QuickTransfer of the Mavic 3 Series compared with the previous version? With the Wi-Fi 6 protocol, data transmission is even faster, with download speeds reaching up to 80MB/s. In addition, compared to DJI Mini 2, the Mavic 3 automatically selects the fastest transmission mode based on the current wireless environment without switching to Wi-Fi mode manually, making it easier to use.
Accessories How can I use the DJI 65W Portable Charger? The DJI 65W Portable Charger comes with a connected 65W USB-C charging cable to charge Mavic 3's intelligent flight battery (it is recommended to use this charging cable for charging the Mavic 3 battery). At the same time, you can connect the USB-A port on the DJI 65W Portable Charger with the remote controller using the Type-C Cable (data cable) in the box of Mavic 3 to charge the remote controller.
Accessories How long does it take to fully charge an Intelligent Flight Battery of the DJI Mavic 3 Series? Approximately 96 minutes when charging with the connected 65W USB-C charging cable of the DJI 65W Portable Charger.
Accessories What are the highlights of the DJI Convertible Carrying Bag? The well-designed DJI Convertible Carrying Bag can be converted between a shoulder bag and backpack to suit users' portability needs. <br>1. The shoulder bag configuration provides enough space for Mavic 3 and its accessories, offering a more convenient shape that makes items easily accessible. <br>2. The backpack configuration provides enough space for Mavic 3 and its accessories, along with a 16-inch laptop and other small items for daily use, making it perfect for short trips.
Accessories Can I use other chargers with USB-C ports to charge the Mavic 3 battery? Yes. However, to ensure charging efficiency, we still recommend using the DJI 65W Portable Charger. Other chargers at 60W or above supporting PPS/PD protocol are also recommended.
Accessories Can I charge Mavic 3 directly through the built-in USB-C port of the aircraft body? Yes
Accessories Are Mavic 3 Classic accessories interchangeable with other Mavic Series accessories? The following accessories are currently compatible:
2. DJI RC Pro
3. DJI RC-N1
4. DJI Mavic 3 Intelligent Flight Battery
5. DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers (pair)
6. DJI Mavic 3 Battery Charging Hub
7. DJI 65W Car Charger
8. DJI 65W Portable Charger
9. DJI Mavic 3 Propeller Guard
10. DJI Mavic 3 Storage Cover
11. DJI Convertible Carrying Bag
12. DJI 10Gbps Lightspeed Data Cable
13. DJI Mavic 3 Protector Case